when we learn how to fly


Thursday, March 4, 2010


Luke 24: 2-4

"2) They found that the stone had been rolled away from that entrance. 3) So they went in, but they didn't find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4) As they stood there puzzled two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes."

Sometimes when God isn't there it's not that He has abandoned us, but it's that he has made a new way for us and gone before us. All that is left for us then to do is follow. So don't doubt God. Instead, realize what has happened and look for the clues He's left behind for us to run after Him by. And always think back to what He said. He will never abandon His children. And God can never lie. So ask ourself what else is going on here if you can't find Him. Don't look for what He did wrong to you because I promise you will not find anything and only run in circles. But be sure of your identity and become God's best friend. He is forever playing with us. He won't leave you behind, He in fact waits for you to catch up.

SO when you can't find God ask yourself, "what am I missing?" and open your mind to looking and seeking in a new way.

The bible says seek and you will find. But, that doesn't mean seek in any way you want to. But in the way He has set the game up for you to play. Just imagine God's playing sardines but for some reason, you're playing hide'n'seek. Different games have different rules and they just don't mix well.

Remember, God is there watching the whole time and He is not a mean God. If you are not getting it, ask Him for more clues or better eyes. But, don't get mad at Him for playing. Maybe you are just playing the wrong game when He's started another. Maybe when you feel alone or confused, God and everyone else is playing sardines and you're still stuck on hide'n'seek because you missed the memo.

The thing that's helped me the most though, is that if you're frustrated 'n' tired when you're playing with God and seeking after Him, never forget to look up. Who knows, God may just have a Jesus Beacon like Batman's haha :) He WILL help you and teach you how to play. But, you have to let Him teach you and love you. If you're doing all of the talking and you're not listening, how can you hear?

I guess the last thing I wanna say is that, He doesn't want you to be frustrated either. But, and there's always a "but" haha but, sometimes you just have to tough it out and deal with being frustrated but not becoming bitter. You have to stay open and teachable. Life isn't all daises and tea parties. It's gonna be hard. But when you are in a pinch, remember that somethings you just have to figure out and sometimes that just takes time and some good old fashioned hard work. But it'll be a lot more fun to struggle and figure it out and actually get to play than just quiting and sitting the whole thing out.

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